Sunday, March 24, 2013

False Flags, Fake Media Reporting, Deceiving the Public: Social Engineering and the 21st Century “Truth Emergency"

"...individuals and institutions that have successfully achieved legitimacy in the public mind are recognized as having a monopoly on the capacity to reason and are thus perceived as the foremost bearers of truth and knowledge. Through the endorsement of “experts”—figures perceived as authoritative in their field—the public could easily be persuaded on anything from tobacco use and water fluoridation to military intervention abroad...the application of independent reason in pursuit of truth has all too frequently been replaced with an unthinking obeisance toward the smokescreen of expertise disguising corporate power and control."

False Flags, Fake Media Reporting, Deceiving the Public: Social Engineering and the 21st Century “Truth Emergency”

Global Research, March 19, 2013

On March 9, 1995 Edward Bernays died at the age of 103. His professional endeavors involved seeking to change popular attitudes and behavior by fundamentally altering social reality.[1] Since he laid the modern groundwork for deceiving the public we are for better or worse living out his legacy today.
Several years ago Project Censored directors Peter Phillips and Mickey Huff identified and explained the “truth emergency” that is among the greatest threats to civil society and human existence. This crisis is manifest in flawed (or non-existent) investigations into 9/11 and other potential false flag events, fraudulent elections, and illegal wars vis-à-vis a corporate-controlled news media that fail to adequately inform the public on such matters. While neglecting or obscuring inquiry into such events and phenomena major media disparage independent and often uncredentialed researchers as “conspiracy theorists” or, more revealingly, “truthers.”[2]

The truth emergency continues today, and social engineers like Bernays long understood the significance of undermining the use of reason, for it is only through reason that truth may be determined and evaluated. To be sure, individuals and institutions that have successfully achieved legitimacy in the public mind are recognized as having a monopoly on the capacity to reason and are thus perceived as the foremost bearers of truth and knowledge. Through the endorsement of “experts”—figures perceived as authoritative in their field—the public could easily be persuaded on anything from tobacco use and water fluoridation to military intervention abroad.

Today reason is defined one dimensionally; its relationship to truth largely taken-for-granted. Yet as Leibniz observed, reason marks our humanity, suggesting a portion of the soul capable of a priorirecognition of truth. With this in mind the modern individual in the mass has been rendered at least partially soulless through her everyday deferral to the powerfully persuasive notion and representation of expertise. However narrowly focused, under the guise of objectivity the institutionally-affiliated journalist, academic, bureaucrat, and corporate spokesperson have become the portals of reason through which the public is summoned to observe “truth.”

These agents of reason are largely bereft of emotion, moderate in temperament, and speak or write in an unsurprisingly formulaic tone. The narratives they relate and play out present tragedy with the expectation of certain closure. And with a century of commercial media programming the mass mind has come to not only accept but anticipate such regulation and control under the regime of institutionally-sanctioned expertise.

The selection and arrangement of experts by corporate media guarantees a continued monopoly on “truth,” particularly when presented to an uninquisitive and politically dormant public. Yet this phenomenon extends to ostensibly more trustworthy media outlets such as public broadcasting, where a heightened utilization of credentialed expertise is required to ensure the consensus of those who perceive themselves as more refined than the Average Joe.

This preservation of what passes for reason and truth cannot be sustained without a frequent dialectical struggle with unreason and falsity. Since many individuals have unconsciously placed their genuine reasoning faculties in abeyance and often lack a valid knowledge of politics and history, their unspoken faith in government and the broader political economy to protect and further their interests is groundless. Against this milieu those genuinely capable of utilizing their reasoning capacities in the pursuit of truth are often held up as heretical for their failure to accept what is presented as reality, with the requisite “conspiracy theory” label wielded in Orwellian fashion to denote such abnormal intellectual activity.

Lacking the autonomous use of reason to recognize truth, form often trumps substance. For example, a seemingly obscure news website with unconventional graphics or an emotional news presenter purporting to discuss the day’s affairs is typically perceived as untrustworthy and illegitimate by a public conditioned to accept forms of news and information where objectivity and professionalism often camouflage disinformation.

In 2013 the truth emergency is greater than ever, and in the era of seemingly never-ending pseudo-events and Potemkin villages presented by major media as the reality with which we must contend, the application of independent reason in pursuit of truth has all too frequently been replaced with an unthinking obeisance toward the smokescreen of expertise disguising corporate power and control.


[1] Peter Phillips and Mickey Huff, “Truth Emergency and Media Reform,” Daily Censored, March 31, 2009.

[2] “Edward Bernays, ‘Father of Public Relations’ and Leader in Opinion Making, Dies at 103,” New York Times, March 10, 1995.
Copyright © 2013 Global Research

Friday, January 18, 2013


"Modern man believes that he is ‘alone’ in the universe, yet nothing could be further from the truth.  The mind-set of ‘civilized’ western humanity takes for granted that our collective world-view, the human perspective on life on Earth, represents the pinnacle of awareness, the paragon of ‘intelligence’, that we are sine pari, 'without equal' in the kingdoms of life, above and apart from mere ‘animals’ and other ‘lower’ life-forms.  This unquestioned anthropocentric ‘meta-belief’, the central pillar supporting the dominant dMOE, or ‘distributed mental operating environment’ which facilitates our fundamentally Judaeo-Christian neo-Darwinian military-industrial-capitalist ‘way of life’, justifies ecocide, rationalizes genocide, glorifies predation, rewards greed, derides simplicity, denies indigenous and alternative modes of being, and is conducting a full-spectrum jihad against life itself.

We have never been ‘alone.’  In the same way that we needn’t ‘go into space’ because we’re already there…how could we NOT be?...we’ve never been alone because our true ‘family’ is the universe, which as currently conceived may host not only a very broad spectrum of ‘beings’, ‘intelligences’ and forms of consciousness…of far greater diversity, improbability and unknowability than the sum of all science-fiction…but is ‘intelligent’ and ‘conscious’ in and of itself.  Our nearest star, the sun, Sol, is a powerful stellar ‘being’ and ‘intelligence’; Mothership Earth, or Gaia, is herself an astronomically complex planetary ‘being’ and ‘intelligence’.  The union of Father Sky and Mother Earth gives birth to life as we know her, a vast creative and experimental intelligence based on DNA, carbon compounds, and water who manifests herself as an endless expression of living art-information.  Every being, every form of life is by nature ‘intelligent’ in its own way.  Humanity seems to be an anomaly on this planet: we are the only species among billions who have run amok and are actively destroying our home, as well as the only species who is embedded in collective hallucination, harbouring destructive delusions about our own alleged and superior ‘intelligence’ and other ‘chosen species’ fantasies.'  Jeff Phillips, 2012

Introduction to 'We are not alone...yet:  How we are waging war on a true 'extra-terrestrial intelligence'

Our self-delusion knows no bounds. Just take a clear look at the blatant inherent contradictions and incoherencies pervading the entire fabric of what we call 'reality.'

"We travel together, passengers on a little spaceship, dependent upon its vulnerable reserves of air and soil, all committed for our safety to its security and peace; preserved from annihilation only by the care, the work, and, I will say, the love we give our fragile craft. We cannot maintain it half fortunate, half miserable, half confident, half despairing, half slave to the ancient enemies of man, half free in a liberation of resources undreamed of until this day. No craft, no crew can travel safely with such vast contradictions. On their resolution depends the survival of us all."


“We are blinded by the delusions that rise from our hollow and rotting social order. It is vain pomposity to believe that humanity can advance while the Earth and its native peoples, plants and animals are enslaved, desecrated and destroyed.”

ROBERT LAWLOR, 1992, Voices of the First Day: Awakening in the Aboriginal Dream-time

“I think our whole society tries to stabilize itself by starting out to destroy sensitivity to incoherence starting with very young children. If people could see the vast incoherence that is going on in society they would be disturbed and they would feel the need to do something. If you're not sensitive to it you don't feel disturbed and you don't feel you need to do anything.

I remember an instance, a daughter was telling her mother, ‘this school is terrible, the teacher is terrible, very inconsistent, doing all sorts of crazy things,’ and so on. Finally the mother was saying, ‘You'd better stop this…in this house the teacher is always right.’ Now she understood that the teacher was wrong obviously, but the message was, it was no use. Even the message may have been right in some sense, but still it illustrates that the predicament is that in order to avoid this sort of trouble, starting with very young children, we are trained to become insensitive to incoherence. If there is incoherence in our own behavior, we thereby also become insensitive to it.”

DAVID BOHM, seminar on Thought and Dialogue in Ojai, November 4, 1989


Those who argue at school board meetings that Darwin should be taught in public schools seldom have taken the time to read him. If they knew the full title of On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life, they might have gained some inkling of the racism propagated by this controversial theorist. Had they actually read Origin, they likely would be shocked to learn that among Darwin's scientifically based proposals was the elimination of 'the negro and Australian peoples,' which he considered savage races whose continued survival was hindering the progress of civilization.

In his next book, The Descent of Man (1871), Darwin ranked races in terms of what he believed was their nearness and likeness to gorillas. Then he went on to propose the extermination of races he 'scientifically' defined as inferior. If this were not done, he claimed, those races, with much higher birthrates than 'superior' races, would exhaust the resources needed for the survival of better people, eventually dragging down all civilization.

Darwin even argued that advanced societies should not waste time and money on caring for the mentally ill, or those with birth defects. To him, these unfit members of our species ought not to survive.

PROGRAMMED TO KILL, David McGowan (pdf) 

This brilliant and definitive work of investigative journalism explains the how's and why's of assassinations, serial killers, false-flag psychological operations, cult suicides, and the recent and on-going bout of school and theatre shootings. Mind-control researchers working in the spirit of MK-Ultra and Nazi psychiatrists imported under Operation Paperclip have developed technological means of creating programmed killers.

Once again, the legacy of homo sapiens, 'man, the wise.'

Monday, November 26, 2012



This morning I received an email from James Russell, who sent me a link to watch his new documentary on the nature, health and ecological effects of microwaves and other artificial electromagnetic non-ionizing radiation.  

Interestingly, yesterday I recorded a second interview with Christina Consolo aka Radchick for her 'Nuked Radio' show in which we talked at length about this exact topic.  Because of my acute awareness of the gravity of the situation concerning human exposure to microwave radiation, and the fact that Christina and I were talking specifically about the importance of living or spending lots of time totally away from man-made electromagnetic energies...something that becoming harder and harder to the fact that I've been going around Melbourne in recent weeks with an electro-smog meter and have been astounded at what I found...because of this, I just watched this entire film and it is ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC.  Extremely well made, extremely informative, a wealth of research and interviews with people I've never heard of before, and a brilliant introductory section explaining the history of our understanding of electromagnetic radiation and the concept of frequency, including a look at the work of Maxwell and Schumann.  

After a look at the negative health effects of these emanations on honey bees and other wild-life, the majority of the film examines the state-of-the-art knowledge on the severity of health effects on human beings, as well as looking closely at the nature of the global telecommunications industry. A very interesting segment towards the end describes the central role of melatonin in maintaining our health, and how artificial EME/RF-MW energies disrupt the nocturnal synthesis of melatonin, which is an extremely powerful anti-oxidant that scavenges the free radicals which are believed to the under-lying cause not only of cancer but many other diseases and negative health syndromes.  Ionizing radiation also creates free-radicals.  

Several times, the question is asked as to why the industry or concerned organizations have not done the research necessary to establish the 'safety' of these technologies. The answer is two-fold:  first, the industry is not interested in actual health effects and if they were, they would not want the public to know. It is not inconceivable that the 'industry' or higher-echelon components thereof are in fact interested in creating negative health effects in the human population. After all, a mobile phone is a diabolically ingenious way to get people to hold a microwave oven next to their brain.  Second, to understand fully the long-term implications for health, studies would really need to be conducted for 25 generations of humans, or around 500 years, according to Arnold Lehman, a genetic toxicologist who was a contemporary of Rachel Carson.

The message:  not only are we destroying our health through the use of technologies like wi-fii and mobile phones, we are living in a huge experiment whose outcome is totally unknown but based on what we DO know...the result cannot be in favour of the survival and well-being of life as we currently know her, human or non-human.  At this time, over 4 billion people use mobile phones, almost everyone is exposed to varying levels of these frequencies and energies, and a new 4G mobile phone network is being installed...WITH INCREASED POWER LEVELS AND ELEVATED 'SAFETY' LEVELS.

Under Robama 2.0 we are likely to see the large-scale implementation of the long-awaited micro-chip implant scenario. My guess is that the new 4G network will be used for these as well. And how bloody convenient will that be for all the iPhone and Smartphone socio-paths! 

Remember:  the whole country of Austria removed all wireless technologies from public schools four years ago.

I strongly recommend that you take the time to watch this HIGHLY SIGNIFICANT film.  Plus, you can down-load it for free, in varying file sizes.

MANY THANKS to James Russell and his crew for a fantastic effort to create awareness about an extremely urgent health and ecological issue...KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK.

Directed by James Russell


'PUT YOUR PHONE DOWN' Video by Fog & Smog


FROM A POSTING OF TWO WEEKS AGO: (see meter readings in images above)
'I've been going around various parts of Melbourne over the past couple months with an electro-smog meter (thanks to my friend Simon :) and what I've found is VERY SCARY.  In general, out and about I was getting readings in the range of tens of thousandths of a milli-watt/square meter.  At one point I put the probe directly onto an active wi-fi modem/router and got an astounding 32 milli-watts/square meter.  This is, of course, on the order of 32,000 times higher than the 'normal' level.  These numbers didn't mean much until I started looking into it.  The organization with whom I was already familiar, who published the 'Bioinitiative Report' a couple years ago, basically concluded that the highest continuous safe exposure level to microwaves was around .001 milli-watts/square meter.  Therefore, this modem...which was emitting microwaves that are 32,000 times higher than the safe level.

In recent years we've been able to spend months at a time in locations either with no electricity at all or with power we generate using solar, which is low-voltage, and internet via cable instead of wi-fi...since we've given our bodies and systems lots of time in non-electric environments, it's like we've attained a new level of sensitivity to everything.  This is fantastic as long as you're in nature and not around artificial fields and energies and stuff, but when you are within range or surrounded by high levels of all this, it's like it seems way worse than it ever did before.  Maybe because of our increased sensitivity as well as that all the levels of everything are getting jacked up!

Now the REALLY scary part.  in going around Melbourne, I took a reading standing on the steps outside the Flinders St. station down-town near Federation Square...a place where tens of thousands of people pass through every day. For moments here and there I got the EXACT SAME READING as on the astounding 32 milli-watts/square meter.  I cannot imagine where this level of micro-waves would be coming from.  I have gotten higher readings but only when the meter was actually touching a mobile or smart-phone or usd 'dongle' thing that was in operation.  And the absolute highest continuous reading I got was on the order of around 10 milli-watts/square meter...this was at the Melbourne Central tram-stop.

'HOLES IN HEAVEN' Fantastic doco, introduction to HAARP, the world's largest micro-wave transmitter and 'ionospheric heater' that pumps tens of billions of watts into the outermost layer of the atmosphere. The ultimate use of these technologies is a global mind-control 'frequency fence' using low-level pulses of microwaves which entrain with the brains of entire human populations, to disrupt cognition and debilitate overall functions.  This is the vision of Zbigniew Brzezinski, top national security advisor to Robama.


Hi There

I hope you are well. Sorry its taken a while to get this to you. As I am sure you can appreciate its been a bit busy. The film just won the Transmission award at the CPFF. A link to the film on Vimeo is below. And is free to view. I made the film to get a message out there so Anything you can do to get the film out there would be hugely appreciated.

Kindest regards

EMAIL FROM INGRID DICKENSON, a researcher who is interviewed in this film: 
Dear Jeff
I agree with everything you say about the Hopi prophesy regarding our crimes against Mother Earth. To add to this are the crimes of an even more destructive nature which are so well suppressed that even many who care for Mother Earth are not informed. Please release this very important documentary on your site. It was initially intended to be shown on TV but for reasons made obvious during the documentary I doubt this will ever get the go-ahead.

Ingrid Dickenson

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


 "Verily I say unto you..."
 Arnie 'Three Mile' Gunderson
 Michio 'Doctor Kook' Kaku
 Mike 'Perma-grin' Adams
 Dr. Mark 'Three-ring' Sircus
 Alex 'Captain Beefheart' Jones
 "Swing low...sweet Mothership...
 "...comin' for to bring us Starbucks..."
 "Love Obama as yourself..."


"The main goal seems to be to 'herd' the public mind towards a 'stampede' that will come as soon as Building 4 DOES collapse...or that we are led to believe that it has.  According to the hype being drummed up, THIS would spell the 'end of civilization', a 'national security emergency' would be declared emanating from Obama's Amerika, Inc., and the ever-so-helpful UN would come to the rescue?  All right in the middle of good old 2012, the most capitalized-on date in modern history...the year that 'something's going to happen.' "

I've been in touch with Leuren Moret in the past two days concerning the Fukushima 'Building 4 Doomsday' hype that's permeating the not-so-'alternative' media.  When the U.S. senator suddenly visited Fukushima more than a year after it started, THEN it all of a sudden became a 'national security issue' for America and the UN was to be called in...after a year had gone by...THEN at least four 'talking heads' who had assiduously established themselves as 'beacons of truth' shining for 'freedom and democracy' ALL simultaneously, as if on cue, took up the 'if building 4 collapses it will be the end of civilization' cry.


From Leuren:

"I knew that Mike Adams the natural news guy, Michio Kaku, Arnie Gunderson are all dirty, but I was not sure about Mark Sircus - he wrote to me a lot from Brazil - he was writing a lot about DU and Fuku.  Most of the big talking heads are all shills for the NWO.
..They are "mining" our minds and stealing our vitality and reality.  Don't waste your time on these jerks at all - go on with your days and your life and continue normal relationships... these people are just distraction and disinformation."

In my recent 'global radio-logical update' posting I clarified why EACH of these people can no longer be trusted.

In summary:  Mike 'Health Ranger' Adams is publishing such gibberish as

...the facility itself is essentially a grounded nuclear weapon that every second of every day is waging war against Planet Earth.'

This is from his latest posting "Fukushima Disaster is a 'nuclear war without a war' "which is just a re-hash of Dr. Michael Chossudovsky's article from last year.  Note that according to Adams, the reactors themselves are waging war on us.  Adams also regularly co-hosts the now-mainstream Alex 'Capt. Beefheart' Jones show.  Why does he have 'perma-grin'?

Arnie 'three mile' Gunderson is a PAID CONSULTANT TO THE NUCLEAR INDUSTRY.  What more needs to be said? I know he worked at Three Mile Island at some point, possibly even when the partial meltdown occurred.

Michio 'doctor kook' Kakuadvocates technological atrocities like mining asteroids and Ray Kurzweil's 'trans-human' agenda for 'conquering space and death with human intelligence.'  Terrifyingly, and with shades of Edward Teller, he also advocates blasting Fukushima into the sea with nuclear weapons. 

Finally, Dr. Mark Sircus, with whom I'd been communicating until he took two entire paragraphs from my earlier radio-logical posting, published it in his newsletter "Mankind's Most Desperate Hour", then attributed part of it to Immanuel Velikovsky, with no mention of me as the author.  

THEN he has the audacity to have THIS at the bottom of his postings:"ALL rights are explicitly reserved without prejudice, and no part of this essay may be reproduced except by written consent. ©2010 by Mark Sircus"

Sircus constantly boasts about his 'sanctuary' tucked away in a 'safe location' in a valley in central Brazil.  Lately he has been 'offering assistance' to 'families' who might like to invest in some of his extra real-estate there.  Are you getting the picture now?  Interestingly, since I busted him for plagiarism, all of sudden he's now providing 'sources' at the bottom of his last posting.

ALL of these people are SELLING MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF STUFF via their web-sites, except for Gunderson, who is ALREADY ON THE PAYROLL of the nuclear industry.  Kaku is a tv celebrity.  They are all 'disaster capitalists' par excellence.

By the way, all of the 'four whoresmen' are 'Amerikan.'
They are certainly not alone in the legion of professional disinformation activists, but ALL of these people represent a unified voice and are functioning as media 'operatives' working in a coordinated fashion to manipulate the public's awareness of Fukushima and the global radio-logical scenario, through giving us the impression that they are objectively 'informing' us.

The main goal seems to be to 'herd' the public mind towards a 'stampede' that will come as soon as Building 4 DOES collapse...or that we are led to believe that it has.  According to the hype being drummed up, THIS would spell the 'end of civilization', a 'national security emergency' would be declared emanating from Obama's Amerika, Inc., and the ever-so-helpful UN would come to the rescue?  All right in the middle of good old 2012, the most capitalized-on date in modern history...the year that 'something's going to happen.'

At this point, literally ANYTHING could happen.  I would expect that at this moment, the 'fake alien invasion cum 'second coming' scenario' might be rolled out, or should I say, switched on!

"BREAKING NOW...Obama greets Jesus as he disembarks Mother Ship, offers him a complimentary iPad, invites him for by Starbucks...WORLD PEACE AT HAND...stay tuned..."

I close with my words from last week:

"Even though the REAL mass-extinction level was reached within a week of the original catastrophe, due mainly to at least two spent fuel pools that vapourized, releasing untold quantities of plutonium into the biosphere, NOW all of a sudden the impending collapse of Building 4 is going to be 'the end of the world' and so on.  It doesn't make sense, yet a lot of who have seemed to be nuclear 'good guys' are making this 'end of the world' pitch.  A few months ago the big fear thing was 'impending nuclear war with Iran'.  Now it's shifted to 'impending collapse of Building 4.'  The focus of attention has shifted, yet the underlying dangers remain the same.  The pro-nuclear psy-ops and 'perception management' teams have surely learned that a well-managed public mind needs a constantly renewed threat to focus its attention on; habituation brings inattention.  The mind-managers are implicitly telling us that even the slightest breeze from the ocean could  cause the collapse of Building 4; isn't it a given that it could very easily be brought down on purpose, especially given the massive 'unnatural disaster' anomalies of the whole Fukushima thing?  

For those of us who even have Fukushima...or reality in general..on our radar, rather than worrying about stocking up on potassium iodide pills and contacting real estate agents in South America, wouldn't we be better off making a SERIOUS effort not only to go to the proverbial 'next level' we've always heard about, but before that, to consider what that actually means? 

MAY 2012

Friday, May 18, 2012






A new Greek scientific study has demonstrated how frequency electromagnetic fields, namely cell phones, portable phones, WiFi, and wireless computer equipment, alter important protein changes in the brains of animals. Exposure to electromagnetic frequencies is the result of our advancing technologies, but it is important to study these effects so people know exactly what they’re dealing with in order to take the necessary precautionary measures.

Cell Phones, EMF Negatively Altering Important Regions of the Brain

The study, entitled “Brain proteome response following whole body exposure of mice to mobile phone or wireless DECT base radiation,” was published in the journal Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine. Important areas of the brain such as the hippocampus, cerebellum, and frontal lobe are regions responsible for learning, memory, and other functions. These areas are negatively impacted by microwave radiation, even at levels below the safety guidelines put in place by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation protection.

Researchers found that 143 proteins in the brain were negatively impacted by radio frequency radiationover a period of 8 months. A total of 3 hours of cell phone exposure were simulated over the 8 month time period, and the results showed that many neural function related proteins’ functional relationship changed the for worse.

It is known that short term exposure of microwaves exuded from a cell phone, depending on how far the antenna is from the head, can penetrate as much as 1 1/2 inches into the brain, but this study focuses more on the long term effects and how EMF impacts specific brain proteins. This provides new evidence of the potential relationship between EMF and health complications stemming from EMF such as headaches, dizziness, sleep disorders, and even tumors and Alzheimer’s disease.

Another study conductedby a Russian team of researchers also showed that EMF and cell phones cause significant long-term cognitive decline in children. It may be time for parents to re-determine if young children should really be using these devices with growing bodies and developing brains.

A number of foreign countries are attempting to adopt precautionary protocols to limit cell phone use in an attempt to mitigate the number of adverse effects they have on human health. In 2011, the WHO/IARC released a report stating that cell phone radiation may have a carcinogenic effect on humans. In fact, the World Health Organization actually said that cell phones are in the same cancer-causing category as lead, engine exhaust, and chloroform.

Monday, June 13, 2011

"THE TUBE" REVIEW, "How Television Affects the Mind"


How Television Affects The Mind: Review of Le Tube, a documentary

Ron Kaufman

Le Tube
is a documentary film. Journalist Peter Entell and actor Luc Mariot travel to three continents to uncover the history of television and its effects on the human brain.
The focus of their research is to study the effect of television regardless of the content. This is an outstanding investigative movie for anyone seeking knowledge about television.

Geneva, Switzerland

The movie begins here with Mariot's younger daughter, Zoe, who is crying because Mariot turned off the Pokemon cartoon. Mariot is concerned because Zoe never blinks when she watches television. Researching the Pokemon cartoon on the Internet he comes across an article describing a December 1997 event where 700 children were hospitalized with eye problems and convulsions because of a Pokemon episode.

Tokyo, Japan

Mariot visits the hospital in Tokyo and the doctor there explains that 1 in 4,000 people are hypersensitive to light and are therefore "at risk" when they watch television. An unusually high rate of "flicker" or flashing lights will affect these people and produce symptoms similar to epileptic seizures. TV Tokyo, home of Pokemon, reveals to Mariot that because of public outrage it now uses an Animation Flicker Machine to monitor each episode.

Schenectady, New York

The movie then moves to the Research and Development section of General Electric. The technicians explain Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) and Electron Gun technologies that make television work. The television screen is made of Red, Green, and Blue (RGB) pixels that flicker at a high rate when bombarded with fast-moving electrons. Mariot asks the GE technicians why television is hypnotic and addictive. They have no answer.

Lunenburg, Massachusetts

In Lunenburg the film crew meets with Dr. Thomas Mulholland whose experiments with electroencephalograms (EEG) and alpha waves provide the first indications of physical reaction to television. Alpha waves are brain activity that increases as brain work decreases. Closing your eyes, relaxing, sleeping, not thinking, meditating all increase alpha waves while even looking around a familiar room lowers alpha waves. Dr. Mulholland has discovered that children watching television have very high alpha - in other words they have minimal brain activity.

Toronto, Canada

Then the crew visits Eric McLuhan at the University of Toronto where the McLuhan demonstrates in an experiment the difference between transmitted light and reflected light. Movie theaters reflect light on viewers while television creates and transmits its own light. In effect, with transmitted light McLuhan says, "you are the screen." The brain responds to the medium, not the content.

Finally, Mariot tracks down former researcher Herbert Krugman of the Advertising Research Foundation. Krugman's experiments on the effects of television led him to conclude that TV induces some type of "sleeping awake" activity. Why are people so mesmerized or hypnotized by the TV. Krugman used this power of TV to help the advertising community. Krugman says that with TV, "when you lose touch with the body and the brain will play." You're not asleep and not awake. It's midnight and you are staring at the TV and can't turn it off. You sit watching commercials blankly and unthinking. You don't turn it off.

"The television is the easiest, quickest, and cheapest way to distract yourself from how you already feel that's ever been invented," says one psychologist in the film.

A worker at a TV station says, she thinks, "TV is like a drug. . . Sure, just try taking it away from them."

The Tube
is a well done film. It presents many compelling facts and questions about an activity that most people take for granted. Unfortunately, many questions still remain unanswered as some continue to question the benefit of staring at red, green and blue flickering light.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


NOTE FROM JEFF: This article pertains to what I believe to be a very real scenario involving technologies held by many people to be only hypothetical or “science-fiction”. I’ve been reading about these “non-lethal weapons systems” and “psychotronic warfare” for many years, of which the “Sound of Silence” is only one example of probably thousands, but I now have reason to believe that they have become fully operational, from personal experience and what I see happening in the world. The technical information in this article I have seen before, from very credible researchers like Dr. Nick Begich; and the over-all paradigmatic rationale for its use has been succinctly expressed by Zbigniew Brzezinski, New World Order visionary and top security advisor to Obama (real name: Barry Soutero), who foresaw that EMR technologies based on the work of Nicola Tesla, for example, the HAARP array in Gakona, Alaska, could project ‘high power levels over certain regions of the earth. In this way, one could develop a system that would seriously impair the brain performance of very large populations in selected regions over an extended period.’ Why? Because, according to Brzezinski, ‘democracy is inimical to imperial mobilization.’ The people…all people…are the enemy. Such technologies could be wielded to create ‘a more controlled and directed society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite whose claim to political power would rest on allegedly superior scientific know how. Unhindered by the restraints of traditional liberal values, this elite would not hesitate to achieve its political ends by using the latest modern techniques for influencing public behavior and keeping society under close surveillance and control.’ The basic idea is that this entire network of electronic technologies can function as a huge pulsating weapons system designed to disrupt your brainwaves and turn you into a zombie; the techniques are actually a lot more subtle and scientifically-refined than this, but you get the picture. HD tv is the capstone on this diabolical pyramid of electronic necrophilia, and along with 3D, is capable of bringing their nightmare directly into your head! Any broadcast signal for radio or television has the potential to act as a “carrier wave” for subliminally encoded information and/or pulses of energy designed to affect the human mind in a negative way. HAARP was scheduled to become fully operational at maximum power in 2006; I feel that when HD tv broadcast became mandatory in the U.S. in February 2009, a threshold of mental suppression was crossed; it seems to me that since this time, over the past two years, that “America” has kind of gone to sleep, at least in terms of my connections there. Except on Facebook, of course, which is more active than ever. Even these technologies, still in the realms of “Flash Gordon” to many, are already “old-school” compared to what is on the think-tank CAD-CAM screens in the ‘war on independent thought’ being waged by the Wall Street and international banking cartel whose “assets” include not only the Pentagon, but also the Federal Reserve, the CIA, Hollywood, the U.S. presidency…and an extra-terrestrial “threat” from aliens who are less than benevolent. Coming soon to a planet near you!

“No man is more hopelessly enslaved, than he who falsely believes that he is free.” Goethe

[A form of] “…technology is about to be used…against American citizens in a highly classified and covert operation to mind control and manipulate the entire population into ‘compliance’ with our New World order overlords. The technology will utilize a combination of HAARP transmitters, GWEN towers, microwave cell phone towers, and the soon-to-be-mandatory High Definition Digital TVuppose…Suppose that a young, black man from Illinois was…able to utilize the S-quad Sound of Silence technology in his public speeches, radio and 30-minute television ‘infomercials’ — all programmed and designed by ‘handlers’ to illicit strong emotional responses from audience members who then are merely ‘hearing without listening’…what if televisions across the US and Canada all went 100% digital [to be mandatory in Feb. 2009] in their signals (in order to successfully link to GWEN towers) which would allow the unrestricted use of the Sound of Silence frequencies in a complete and massive control of the nation’s mind and consciousness? …The military-industrialist complex has quietly completed the takeover of the nation’s consciousness, and thus its very soul…whoever controls this technology literally has the power to control the minds of men — all men and women everywhere…whoever controls the minds of all humans, controls the wealth and destiny of planet Earth.”

PART 1 Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (Subliminal Carrier Technology)

Bill Schnoebelen

This is an extremely timely and important essay. It overviews a secret Pentagon psychotronics technology known as Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS) that has been fully operational since the early 1990s. I first found out about the use of this technology from Al Bielek in a 1992 video he made with Vladimir Terziski. This technology was used against battle-hardened Iraqi troops fortified in deep underground bunkers in Kuwait and Iraq in the first Gulf War in January of 1991.

The physical, emotional, and psychological effects of this technology were so severe that hundreds of thousands of Iraqi troops surrender en masse without firing even a single shot against US led coalition forces. The numbers reported in the news were staggering: 75,000 and then another 125,000 (or more) Iraqi troops would come out of their deep desert bunkers waving white flags and falling to their knees before approaching US troops and literally kiss their captor’s boots or hands if given the opportunity. Why would eight-year veterans of Middle Eastern warfare (with Iran 1980-1988) behave this way? Simple. They were subjected to a technology that was so extreme and incomprehensible that they were suddenly reduced to the level of compliant children and felt grateful to still be alive in the wake of their mind-wrenching experience. This technology is about to be used, albeit in a more subtle fashion, against American citizens in a highly classified and covert operation to mind control and manipulate the entire population into ‘compliance’ with our New World order overlords. The technology will utilize a combination of HAARP transmitters, GWEN towers, microwave cell phone towers, and the soon-to-be-mandatory High Definition Digital TV that will enter your home via: a) cable, b) satellite, c) HD TVs, or d) those oh-so-easy-to-obtain “digital converter boxes” that the government is so anxious to help you obtain and underwrite most of the cost on your behalf.

But why is the government so anxious to help American citizens experience a clearer and more highly defined television picture? Does that make sense to you? Since when is the government so concerned about the visual quality of our televised entertainment that congress would pass an undebated statutory proclamation which mandated that the HD conversion take place on Feb. 17, 2009 and then subsidize about 90% of the associated cost?

I’m only guessing, but if there are 200 million “regular” televisions in America to be converted into HD, then that $40 in government subsidy per TV × 200,000,000 = $8 billion. Why is the government so anxious to spend 8 billion dollars on her citizens to improve the clarity of a TV picture? Or is the recently touted “additional bandwidth” cover story that supposedly is to be gained with the HD technology the only and genuine reason for spending so much taxpayer dollars on HD conversion?

The second service that this author performs is to “out” two of our more deceptive CIA/Pentagon ‘assets’ masquerading under the rubric of natural health advocates. Their names are Rima Laibow and her husband, “former” Major General Albert Stubblebine. If your e-mail Inbox has been filling with warnings and articles in recent months about the coming Codex regulations and the “wonderful” job that Rima and her retired Army husband have been doing to try and stem the tide, then you know who I’m talking about.

Folks, is it time to wake up yet? Or should we just resume our slumber and wait for them to take us away in those spiffy Gunderson cattle cars that Phil Schneider warned us about in 1995 (you know, the ones with the built in shackles and manacles)?

Ken Adachi,


The Antithesis of Freedom

The year was 1961, and John Kennedy was soon to become the 35th President. Shortly before Kennedy’s inauguration, President Dwight D. Eisenhower shocked the nation and the world with his televised farewell speech. The speech’s content was shocking because General Eisenhower was a very popular war hero, and American military might was second to none.

Eisenhower, a highly decorated five-star general, was the Supreme Commander of all allied forces during World War II. It was Eisenhower’s leadership during the Normandy invasion that ultimately freed Europe from the Nazi scourge.

Incredibly, in his farewell address, this great American hero did not warn the nation of the budding communist threat or the horrors of nuclear proliferation. No, not at all! Instead, this career military genius poignantly and soberly declared to this great nation:

“… We have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. Added to this, three and a half million men and women are directly engaged in the defense establishment. We annually spend on military security more than the net income of all United States corporations.

“This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence — economic, political, even spiritual — is felt in every city, every state house, every office of the federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to recognize its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society.

“In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or our democratic processes.”

Here we have a career military officer, and sitting US President warning the nation in his final farewell speech, that something called “unwarranted influence by the military-industrial complex” poses an extremely dangerous threat to our Free Republic society. According to Eisenhower, this threat “exists and will persist.”

To President Eisenhower, in January of 1961, this evil was a much greater threat to America than Castro’s Cuba or Khrushchev’s Soviet Union. What exactly could have happened in the “military-industrialist” establishment that would have caused Eisenhower to issue such a strongly worded warning? Improved machine gun production? Nope. Battleship production? Nope. Nuclear submarines? Nope. Proliferation of nuclear warheads? A concern of course, but a concern that most Americans were fully aware of.

No, obviously what caused Eisenhower such deep concern had to be something much more pervasively shadowy, dark and secret. Some new, covert, technology had clearly emerged that had the very real potential to provide certain individuals with the “acquisition of unwarranted influence” that in turn would “endanger our liberties or our democratic processes” (i.e., our free and fair election process). In other words, it had the clear potential to circumvent the voice of the people and completely empower un-elected power mongers.

Eisenhower, I would submit, was warning America about something called the “Sound of Silence”. Eisenhower was an honest and patriotic American. Like Marine Corp General Smedley Butler, who decades earlier declared to Congress that “War is a Racket,” Ike knew that such absolute power and total covert control over the minds and hearts of individual citizens would corrupt society absolutely. He also knew and understood, as did the German philosopher Goethe: “No man is more hopelessly enslaved, than he who falsely believes that he is free.” Therefore, he issued his strong, concluding warning to America. Today, this author must do no less.

PART 2 Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (Subliminal Carrier Technology)

The Sound of Silence is a military-intelligence code word for certain psychotronic weapons of mass mind-control tested in the mid-1950s, perfected during the 70s, and used extensively by the “modern” US military in the early 90s, despite the opposition and warnings issued by men such as Dwight David Eisenhower.

This mind-altering covert weapon is based on something called subliminal carrier technology, or the Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS) (also nicknamed S-Quad or “Squad” in military jargon). It was developed for military use by Dr. Oliver Lowery of Norcross, Georgia, and is described in US Patent #5,159,703 — “Silent Subliminal Presentation System” for commercial use in 1992. The patent abstract reads:

“A silent communications system in which non-aural carriers, in the very low (ELF) or very high audio-frequency (VHF) range or in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency spectrum, are amplitude- or frequency-modulated with the desired intelligence and propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain, typically through the use of loudspeakers, earphones, or piezoelectric transducers. The modulated carriers may be transmitted directly in real time or may be conveniently recorded and stored on mechanical, magnetic, or optical media for delayed or repeated transmission to the listener.”

In layman’s terms, this device, this “Sound of Silence” simply allows for the unwarranted implantation of specific thoughts, emotions, and even prescribed physical actions into unsuspecting human beings. In short, it has the very real ability to turn human beings into mere puppets in the hands of certain “controllers,” or puppet-masters.

Eisenhower knew full well what such a “weapon” could do in the hands of greedy, conspiring men and women scheming to control the planet. It could easily result in the takeover of American society without a single bullet being fired. This is what he was warning America about, this is the “combination” he feared above all others. Have the leaders of America ignored Ike’s warning?

Have conspiring and evil men and women utilized this diabolical technology on unsuspecting Americans and others outside of our borders? If so, will they continue to utilize the technology through the medium of television and radio? This exposé will attempt to answer these questions, and give the reader a clear picture of exactly who made the decisions to use the “Sound of Silence” in both war and peace.

On March 23, 1991, a news brief was released in the form of an ITV News Bureau Ltd (London) wire service bulletin entitled “High-Tech Psychological Warfare Arrives in the Middle East.” This was during the administration of George Bush Sr., during “Operation Desert Storm,” and describes in remarkable detail a US Psychological Operations (psy-ops) covert operation successfully deployed against Iraqi troops in Kuwait.

Saddam Hussein’s vaunted “Republican Guard” crack troops were promising Bush “the mother of all battles” with many thousands of dead coalition troops. On paper, it looked convincing. Hussein’s Republican Guard troops were battle-hardened veterans of the 10 year war with Iran, while coalition troops were un-blooded. The Iraqis had modern weaponry and were well trained in how to use it.

Something very strange happened, however. The “mother of all battles” ended before it began, as literally hundreds of thousands of Iraqi soldiers surrendered en masse without even firing a shot!
Here is what the British press reported on the incident (while the American press was censored):

“… an unbelievable and highly classified psy-ops program utilizing ‘Silent Sound’ techniques was successfully deployed. The opportunity to use this method occurred when Saddam Hussein’s military command-and-control system was destroyed. The Iraqi troops were then forced to use commercial FM radio stations to carry encoded commands, which were broadcast on the 100 MHz frequency. The US psy-ops team set up its own portable FM transmitter, utilizing the same frequency, in the deserted city of Al Khafji. This US transmitter overpowered the local Iraqi station. Along with patriotic and religious music, psy-ops transmitted ‘vague, confusing and contradictory military orders and information.

“Subliminally, a much more powerful technology was at work, however. A sophisticated electronic system designed to ‘speak’ directly to the mind of the listener; to alter and entrain his brainwaves, to manipulate his brain’s electroencephalographic (EEG) patterns and thus artificially implant negative emotional states —- feelings of intense fear, anxiety, despair and hopelessness were created in the Iraqi troops. This incredibly effective subliminal system doesn’t just tell a person to feel an emotion, it makes them feel it; it implants that emotion in their minds.”

While utilizing such a “non-lethal” covert psy-ops weapon resulted in many lives being saved, both American, Coalition, as well as Iraqi, the question begs to be asked: how can Americans be assured that such a weapon is not being used on them by “Big Brother” on a daily basis?

Moreover, why was the real story behind the mass Iraqi surrenders censored so completely from the American people? Typically, secrecy of this nature is only employed when the subject is morally offensive, or when the powers that be wish to continue to deploy the subject without public scrutiny or oversight, or both. Clearly, if such a device employed covertly on Americans could result in “unwarranted influence” over a society, as Eisenhower warned, I submit the majority of Americans would be completely outraged and incensed, and rightfully so. Therefore, of course the technology would need to remain hidden away.

Officially, the Sound of Silence (S-quad) technology does not exist, just as the US Government officially denies the existence of UFOs and Area 51 (Groom Lake) in the Nevada desert. However, the physical realities cannot be ignored by the rational and logical mind.

For instance, during the first Gulf war, the man who most likely ordered the deployment of the Sound of Silence was Major General Albert (Bert) Stubblebine, who was the Commanding General of the US Army’s Intelligence School and Center, as well as the Army’s Electronic Research and Development Command (ERADCOM) as well as the Army’s Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM). In short, Albert Stubblebine was the Army’s liaison with the CIA and Naval Intelligence operatives (ONI), and as head of ERADCOM, he would of necessity have had complete working knowledge of the Sound of Silence weaponry, if indeed it truly exists.

He was the US Army’s top spy-boss, and of course, was privy to all its secrets. Now retired from active duty following a 32 year career, General Stubblebine has combined with his wife, Rima Laibow to form something called the Natural Solutions Foundation, supposedly dedicated to fighting all health freedom threats to individuals including Codex Alimentarius, vaccinations, and of course the FDA Gestapo.

On their website, one can read this about Albert N. Stubblebine: “Many of the innovations he developed helped the US to conduct the First Gulf War effectively and swiftly with a very low casualty rate.”

But of course, such “innovations” are never fully disclosed to Americans and are officially non-existent. With all due respect to General Stubblebine and shadowy power-brokers such as Frank Carlucci and Donald Rumsfeld, this author concurs whole-heartedly with General Eisenhower, and I declare that such posturing and secrecy with weapons of mind-control constitutes indeed an “acquisition of unwarranted power and influence” and has absolutely no place in a free and open society — no matter how many soldier’s lives it may save on the battlefield. The potential for massive misuse and abuse of such immense controlling power is simply too great.

Furthermore, with all due respect Mr. Stubblebine, are he and Rima Laibow using the cover of Natural Health activistism to hide their true agenda? Could this hidden agenda be the covert promotion and testing of Sound of Silence equipment and technology commercially throughout the world?

Immediately after “retiring” from the army, General Stubblebine took a position as the “VP for Intelligence Systems” with Braddock, Dunn, and McDonald (BDM), a major defense contractor owned by the shadowy Carlyle Group and ex-Defense Secretary Frank Carlucci of Iran-Contra infamy… Since the Sound of Silence machine technology was patented for “privatization” commercial applications by Dr. Lowery on October 27, 1992 , it clearly opened the door to private defense contractors such as BDM to develop their own “intelligence systems”. It would then make sense to employ General Stubblebine as a consultant. Of course, what would then stop BDM from quietly marketing and selling the Sound of Silence to large corporations tied to Wall Street? For example, imagine utilizing the Sound of Silence in a large Wal-Mart store, mixing the ELF waves with background music to subliminally brainwash dishonest shoppers not to engage in shoplifting? Such a device would save Sam Walton many millions of dollars in lost revenue every year. Suppose also that a young, black man from Illinois was given access to, and was able to utilize the S-quad Sound of Silence technology in his public speeches, radio and 30-minute television “infomercials” — all programmed and designed by “handlers” to illicit strong emotional responses from audience members who then are merely “hearing without listening.”

Moreover, what if televisions across the US and Canada all went 100% digital [to be mandatory in Feb. 2009] in their signals (in order to successfully link to GWEN towers) which would allow the unrestricted use of the Sound of Silence frequencies in a complete and massive control of the nation’s mind and consciousness? I am telling you that is exactly what is happening. President Eisenhower was absolutely correct, and his worst fears were indeed well founded!

The military-industrialist complex has quietly completed the takeover of the nation’s consciousness, and thus its very soul.

Again, the absolute secrecy surrounding the development and deployment of the electromagnetic mind-altering technology of the Sound of Silence in a very real way reflects the tremendous power that is inherent in it. This is why Eisenhower knew that he had to warn the nation about it back in 1961. To put it bluntly, whoever controls this technology literally has the power to control the minds of men — all men and women everywhere.

Of course, whoever controls the minds of all humans, controls the wealth and destiny of planet Earth. Furthermore, Stubblebine, as commander of Army Intelligence would likely follow the prescribed manual of all covert ops, such as is found in a declassified US manual for the planned subversion and coup of the government of Nicaragua. The manual instructs the CIA “guerilla forces” to engage in different “false front” organizations designed to win the respect, trust, and influence of the enemy. Once complete trust and confidence is achieved by means of the activities of the “false front,” then the destruction of the enemy by means of misdirection and disinformation tactics can more easily be executed.

I would submit there is no better “false front” to infiltrate in America than Natural Health proponents, for they are typically healthier, better informed, and more dedicated to preserving individual freedoms and fighting tyranny than other Americans. Thus, there could be no better “false front” to establish, and there is clearly no more potentially vicious wolf hiding in sheep’s clothing than the man who knows more about the Sound of Silence secret deployment than any other human…

There is ample evidence that certain elitists in America and Israel plan to definitely extend the capacity of this technology to encompass all people on every continent. A key to this is the HAARP project where ELF and VHF frequencies can indeed be beamed off of the Earth’s ionosphere to various GWEN towers world-wide.

Of course, the US Government officially denies all of this, telling the talking heads of the controlled news media that the GWEN towers are merely private cell-phone towers with no ulterior agenda, and therefore anybody who thinks otherwise is a lunatic-fringe conspiracy nut.

The evidence to the contrary, however is clear and unequivocal. Dr Michael Persinger is a professor of psychology and neuroscience at Laurentian University, Ontario, Canada. Concerning this subject, Dr Persinger writes:

“Temporal lobe stimulation can evoke the feeling of a presence, disorientation, and perceptual irregularities. It can activate images stored in the subject’s memory, including nightmares and monsters that are normally suppressed. Contemporary neuroscience suggests the existence of fundamental algorithms by which all sensory transduction is translated into an intrinsic, brain-specific code. Direct stimulation of these codes within the human temporal or limbic cortices by applied electromagnetic patterns may require energy levels which are within the range of both geomagnetic activity and contemporary communication networks. A process which is coupled to the narrow band of brain temperature could allow all normal human brains to be affected by a sub-harmonic whose frequency range at about 10 Hz would only vary by 0.1 Hz.”

Dr Persinger concludes the article by writing:

“Within the last two decades a potential has emerged which was improbable, but which is now feasible. This potential is the technical capability to influence directly the major portion of the approximately 6.5 billion brains of the human species, without mediation through classical sensory modalities, by generating neural information within a physical medium within which all members of the species are immersed. “The historical emergence of such possibilities, which have ranged from gunpowder to atomic fission, have resulted in major changes in the social evolution that occurred inordinately quickly after the implementation. Reduction of the risk of the inappropriate application of these technologies requires the continued and open discussion of their realistic feasibility and implications within the scientific and public domain.”

How can one have an “open discussion” on the subject when government circles continually deny the existence of such technology?

In a nutshell, this Tesla technology has the capability of doing the following:


- devastating plague attacks
- melt-down of part or all of the U.S. power grid
- total "dudding" of all our nuclear weapons, aircraft, etc.

- causing earthquakes, volcanic eruptions & other cataclysmic weather events - possible delusion, mind-control, mass hallucinations, religious deception